(function ($) { Drupal.mollom = Drupal.mollom || {}; /** * Open links to Mollom.com in a new window. * * Required for valid XHTML Strict markup. */ Drupal.behaviors.mollomTarget = { attach: function (context) { $(context).find('.mollom-target').click(function () { this.target = '_blank'; }); } }; /** * Retrieve and attach the form behavior analysis tracking image if it has not * yet been added for the form. */ Drupal.behaviors.mollomFBA = { attach: function (context, settings) { $(':input[name="mollom[fba]"][value=""]', context).once().each(function() { $input = $(this); $.ajax({ url: Drupal.settings.basePath + Drupal.settings.pathPrefix + 'mollom/fba', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (!data.tracking_id || !data.tracking_url) { return; } // Save the tracking id in the hidden field. $input.val(data.tracking_id); // Attach the tracking image. $('').appendTo('body'); } }) }); } }; /** * Attach click event handlers for CAPTCHA links. */ Drupal.behaviors.mollomCaptcha = { attach: function (context, settings) { $('a.mollom-switch-captcha', context).click(function (e) { var $mollomForm = $(this).parents('form'); var newCaptchaType = $(this).hasClass('mollom-audio-captcha') ? 'audio' : 'image'; Drupal.mollom.getMollomCaptcha(newCaptchaType, $mollomForm); }); $('a.mollom-refresh-captcha', context).click(function (e) { var $mollomForm = $(this).parents('form'); var currentCaptchaType = $(this).hasClass('mollom-refresh-audio') ? 'audio' : 'image'; Drupal.mollom.getMollomCaptcha(currentCaptchaType, $mollomForm); }); } }; /** * Fetch a Mollom CAPTCHA and output the image or audio into the form. * * @param captchaType * The type of CAPTCHA to retrieve; one of "audio" or "image". * @param context * The form context for this retrieval. */ Drupal.mollom.getMollomCaptcha = function (captchaType, context) { var formBuildId = $('input[name="form_build_id"]', context).val(); var mollomContentId = $('input.mollom-content-id', context).val(); var path = 'mollom/captcha/' + captchaType + '/' + formBuildId; if (mollomContentId) { path += '/' + mollomContentId; } path += '?cb=' + new Date().getTime(); // Retrieve a new CAPTCHA. $.ajax({ url: Drupal.settings.basePath + Drupal.settings.pathPrefix + path, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!(data && data.content)) { return; } // Inject new CAPTCHA. $('.mollom-captcha-content', context).parent().replaceWith(data.content); // Update CAPTCHA ID. $('input.mollom-captcha-id', context).val(data.captchaId); // Add an onclick-event handler for the new link. Drupal.attachBehaviors(context); // Focus on the CAPTCHA input. if (captchaType == 'image') { $('input[name="mollom[captcha]"]', context).focus(); } else { // Focus on audio player. // Fallback player code is responsible for setting focus upon embed. if ($('#mollom_captcha_audio').is(":visible")) { $('#mollom_captcha_audio').focus(); } } } }); return false; } })(jQuery);